Why a team is a key to startup success

Project life cycle

So when you say startup, what do you think about? It’s a lot of excitement, fun and sweating with rolled up sleeves work. It’s so called expectation of success and prosperous future. Sadly, the times when something simple gave start to enormous success have passed. In the modern world hard work is not enough and even can cause some harm if it’s not properly estimated and predicted. For conquering the world every startuper should have a plan of action and understand how to build a startup from scratch and gain goals. Let’s have a look on what depends mostly the startup success.

Main steps for start up

In majority of times we have two camps which supposed to be allies but fight each other: a business department and a technical department. It is vital that they should be on the same page. So, the first and most important step is choosing CRM tool that would be used for communication between team members and reviewing progress and many more.

Why it’s important to fill communication gap in between?

If business part makes it’s best explaining business processes and important  parts of it to IT tech team, they will choose the best on the shelf technology to cover business needs at the top quality with the best price. There are already plenty of tools and apps on the market available for this purpose. So, once Techs is moving forward, another most important step is to make research what kind of material your startup ship will be build of.

So now we are fully equipped with a range of programming languages, tracking tools and libraries. Next stage is to begin production process which consists of :

  1. Design
  2. Implementation
  3. Testing
  4. Release and feedback
  5. Improvement and future releases

Obviously, it’s very hard to break first impression, once established. That’s why, design has  to be eye catching. For example, sometimes any back-end bugs does not really affect users, but everything what the users see must be precise. Otherwise, the user will leave. So, startupers should define, how their product and brand will look like as careful as choosing the technology for their project.

why startup implementation depends on good team

Implementation must totally rely on the geeks (see How to choose professional programmers) who know the magic of computers and can make their hands dirty writing millions letters and digits. They usually take care about multiple important but not visible things. For example, when 1 Million users come to see new product, that magicians will make sure that every single visitor have the best experience at its top speed.

Moreover, serving Million of users does not cost a fortune and bankruptcy for brand new business. Simply saying: ‘Startup MUST be Scalable’. In two words it means that when there are no visitors, the servers’ idle powers have to be reserved at its minimum level in order to save costs. At the same time, when the business is flooded with users, infrastructure has to spin up a bunch of boxes for serving every single of them. Indeed, it’s going to cost more, but you pay only for what you use, and not for just having it and doing nothing (read Improve business performance with AWS). So, you’ll convert every used CPU unit into cache at its top profitable level.  This means that only the most reliable and skilled people would have a chance to show what they’ve got.

Why testing is important

Testing is dead important. You see, even super hackers are humans and sometimes make mistakes. These mistakes have to be caught in two ways.

  • First is automatic testing. Before every release application is pushed through a bunch of automatic tests helping to detect all weak spots in an app.
  • However, humans should have a go too. Sometimes human can behave in weird way, which will help to find the problem where automatic test failed. With the team of QA professionals you can sleep well knowing that app is absolutely bug free and let your customers have the best experience in their lives.

Day X is now and we make release. Very exciting moment and we are prepared with our bulletproof infrastructure and ready to rock. But it happens that regular people behave differently than we have expected. To handle that all, we need a right set of analytics tools (have a look at Real Time Big Data Analytics) to collect feedback and tweak our app. So, at this point we are getting in the endless cycle which will consist of analysing business outcome, improving the app and having more profit.

If you are planning to run/make start up, please do not hesitate to contact and get the most up to date information and estimation or even implementation.