The Beauty of Micronaut


New child was born and it is a beautiful creature in all senses. Firstly, it was written by smart people who presented Grails and Spring Boot to the world. As these two guys are dominating in a Java Corporate world among web apps frameworks. However, new Micronaut framework has taken all positive sides of both and ditched negative ones.

The whole beauty of Micronaut is the following:

  • Firstly, it is a quick start. If Grails needed to initialize context and literally call place all beans in it. Micronaut starts with lightning speed and loads beans on demand at a run time.
  • Secondly, it is really light-weight. This is certainly extremely handy when we talk about Microservices architecture, because boxes should start almost instantly in order to keep system on the fly.
  • Thirdly, it has embedded tools for communicating apps with each other. In other words you can have single config point where you set up your connection properties for robust fail-proof architecture.
  • Further, it could be in three flavors: Java Groovy or Kotlin. On a top, it could be mixed. For example, if you use Java but decided to use Spock for Integration tests then all you need is just to add dependencies for Groovy and you’re good to go.
  • It has Jaegger support out of the box. This is particularly handy when you have to debug processes which spread across several dozens of instances.
  • In addition, it is fast. I mean it. Single m4.xlarge node sends and receives over 2.5k per second requests along with writing 100mb/min to s3 and uses only 65% CPU and 1.5GB ram for JVM.

Above all, indeed if you’d like to use it as a stand alone web-app framework, it won’t be a best candidate, because it was not designed to be.

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